About Solarblocks Energy

Solarblocks is a leading provider of innovative and sustainable solar energy solutions, empowering homeowners to achieve energy independence while making a positive impact on the environment. One of our core values is a commitment to a direct-to-customer model. This means that we have our own team of skilled installers who directly oversee all aspects of the installation process, ensuring competitive pricing, top-notch quality workmanship, and exceptional customer service. By maintaining control over these critical aspects, we can guarantee that every customer receives personalized attention, a seamless installation experience, and long-term support for their solar energy systems.

Our Mission

Provide homeowners with one step solution to making the transition to solar energy simple and accessible.

Solarblocks Energy Mission
Solarblocks Energy Goals

Our Goals

To make solar energy a convenient and transparent choice for every homeowner, contributing to a sustainable and greener future for all.

Our Story

Solarblocks has started by installers and technology experts who spend last decade working for major corporation in solar and technology sectors. After completing years of installations for both residential and commercial projects, as well as leading technology and sales teams, we realized that customers are looking for:

25 years warranty on our labor
After service support
Direct relationship with installers
Piece of mind with warranties

Current State of the Solar Market

The residential solar industry often operates similarly to the retail sector, with middlemen such as wholesalers and retailers acting as intermediaries between brands and customers. Typically, these middlemen or sales organizations offer products and partner with third-party installers for the installation process. However, this approach often leads to higher pricing, longer processes, and subpar customer service.

At Solarblocks Energy, we recognized an opportunity to provide a more affordable and reliable solution based on feedback from over 1,000 clients. By cutting out unnecessary middlemen and streamlining the entire process, we aim to offer a more direct and  efficient experience for our customers. We believe in a direct-to-customer model, where we handle every aspect of the solar journey,from consultation to installation and ongoing support.

By taking control of the entire process, we ensure competitive pricing, a smoother and faster installation process, and personalized customer service. Solarblocks Energy was born out of the desire to provide a better alternative, offering homeowners a more affordable, reliable, and customer-focused experience in the residential solar industry.

Slarblocks Energy Customer Supports

We believe in creating relationships with our clients that would last more that 25 years and provide Quality customer service

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