Frequently Asked Questions

How does net metering work?

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Net metering is a billing mechanism that gives you credit for the electricity your solar panel system is contributing to the grid. During daylight hours, your system will generally produce more energy than your home requires. As a result, the excess energy is transferred to the grid causing your electricity meter to run backwards. This acts as a credit against the excess electricity consumed at night or when your home’s usage exceeds the system’s output.

Will I Still Receive An Electric Bill If I Have Solar Panels?

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Unless your solar energy system includes battery storage and you are fully off the grid, you will still receive a bill from your utility. The cost will depend on your usage, utility, system size, and more. However, you can dramatically reduce your bill, or even cut the amount you owe to $0, with a solar panel system that matches your energy use.

What happens If I sell my solar house?

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If you own your solar energy system, your solar house will sell at a premium: studies have shown that solar increases property values. However, if you lease your system, that is not the case. You will need to either buy out your lease before you sell your home, or work with your leasing company to transfer the lease agreement to the home’s new owner.

Why do you need my historical electricity usage?

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Your historical electricity usage allows us to design a custom solar system that is the right size for your home. Electricity usage varies from person to person and from season to season. That’s why we request a full year of your electricity bills so we can build a system that’s right for you. Solarblocks energy expert is trained to review a year’s worth of usage data so we can get the full picture. Energy usage can change with the seasons so we look at 12-months of data to best understand your home’s usage patterns and needs.

Why do I still receive a utility bill with solar?

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You still receive a bill from the utility when you have solar because you remain connected to the grid. Even in months where your solar system provides all of the electricity you need, you can expect to pay standard utility connection fees. Being connected to the grid is a good thing. It allows you to have power when your are producing less than you need, like on a cloudy day, during the winter or when you're running your air conditioning. It also allows you to take advantage of net metering so your solar power never goes to waste.

Do I receive credits for my extra energy production?

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When your solar panels produce more power than your home can use, the excess electricity is automatically sent back to the grid. Through net metering, you’ll be building a ‘bank’ of credits with your utility company.

How can I get a quick estimate of my solar savings?

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Just schedule an appointment with one of our expert energy advisers! During your free virtual consultation, they will gather information about your home and energy needs, and come up with a customized solar proposal. Click here to find out how much you could save.

What happens If I sell my solar house?

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If you own your solar energy system, your solar house will sell at a premium: studies have shown that solar increases property values. However, if you lease your system, that is not the case. You will need to either buy out your lease before you sell your home, or work with your leasing company to transfer the lease agreement to the home’s new owner.

What are my solar financing options?

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There are three options when paying for solar: you can purchase your system in cash, you can take out a solar loan to buy your system, or you can lease your solar system.

Will solar panels increase the value of my home?

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Just like any upgrade, installing a home solar system can increase the value of your home and make it more appealing to potential buyers. A 2019 study showed that, on average, homes with solar panels sell for 4.1% more than homes without solar panels.

Do I Need To Install Solar Batteries With My Solar Power System?

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Solar power systems that include solar batteries, known as solar-plus-storage, are increasingly popular. However, batteries are not necessary for most solar homeowners in the state of New York. As long as you are connected to the grid, your system does not need a battery: excess power goes back into the grid, and you can draw from the grid if you need more electricity than your panels can generate.

Do I Need To Replace My Roof Before Installing Solar?

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Solar energy systems can last for 25 to 35 years, and it can be costly to remove and reinstall them if you need to replace your roof. If your roof needs maintenance in the near term, you should complete it before you finish your solar installation. One of the Solarblocks solar installers will be able to tell you whether to replace your roof before going solar.

What happens If I sell my solar house?

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If you own your solar energy system, your solar house will sell at a premium: studies have shown that solar increases property values. However, if you lease your system, that is not the case. You will need to either buy out your lease before you sell your home, or work with your leasing company to transfer the lease agreement to the home’s new owner.

Can I Go Off Grid With Solar Panels?

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When you install solar panels on your property, you will still be connected to the grid. This allows you to draw from the grid when your system is not producing all of the power that you need, and send power back to the grid when you produce more than you use. It is possible to go off the grid with a solar energy system that includes battery storage. Ask us about adding a backup battery to your system!

How do you customize my solar system?

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We customize your home solar system by taking into account your past usage, the available roof space and your design preferences to make sure the system will work for you and your home.We start with your historical usage and design a solar system that will provide you with the right amount of power based on how much you normally use. Then we look at your roof via satellite imagery to see how many panels can fit on each roof plane, keeping in mind that south-facing roofs are the best for solar. We verify our measurements and system design with a site survey, a visit to your home to check the roof and your main electrical panel. Finally, we reconfirm our final design with you so you know exactly what it will look like and how much electricity you'll receive from solar. If you want to learn about the efficiency of your panels or review what the equipment will look like for your specific home, talk to your sales consultant.

What Are The Different Types Of Power Inverters?

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Power inverters convert the electricity your panels produce from direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) power. There are three types of inverters: string/centralized inverters, microinverters, and power optimizers.

How Long Will My Solar Power System Last?

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Our solar panels are very durable and capable of withstanding snow, wind, and hail. The various components of your solar power system will need to be replaced at different times, but your system should continue to generate electricity for 25 to 35 years.

What comes with my solar energy system?

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Your solar energy system consists of several key components, including solar panels, microinverters, solar flashing, racking and mounting equipment, and production monitoring software accessible through our dedicated app.

How do I know my panels are high quality?

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At Solarblocks Energy, we prioritize the installation of Tier 1 solar panels to guarantee the efficiency and durability of our customers' systems. Tier 1 panel manufacturers are carefully selected based on their track record of producing panels for over five years and utilizing fully automated production processes.

Can I add a battery to my system later?

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Yes, you can reach out to us at any time to add a battery to your system.

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