Debunking Top Solar Myths And Common Misconceptions

Team Solarblocks Energy
November 9, 2023
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Debunking Top Solar Myths And Common Misconceptions

The Solar Energy Industries Association in the US is targeting a 30% increase in solar energy generation by 2030. In fact, solar energy usage is more popular than natural gases and other sources of fossil fuel. But while the demand is high, most people are still unaware of the power of solar. The dubious conversations around solar energy and solar panel installation still remain, despite the expansion of global market opportunities.

As a leading installer of solar panels and clean energy solutions, at Solarblocks, we come across these solar myths almost every day. It appears in our day-to-day talks with customers, as we try to educate them about the truth.

Solarblocks is aiming to change the way people believe in the power of sustainable solar energy usage, as we work to dismiss solar panel myths and make solar available to all. In this article, we will collectively debunk some solar myths and plain misinformation associated with them.

Debunking Common Solar Myths

Myth#1: Solar panels lose efficiency during monsoons and winters.

This is a solar panel myth believed by the masses. To believe that solar panels work only in sunlight is a false assumption. What is true is that solar panels can be leveraged to the best possibility in all weather types. Experts even say that solar panels work best in cold and sunny climates as less interference with heat allows easy conversion of sunlight into electricity.

Solar panels require sunlight to produce power but in cold places, the minimal availability of sunlight will likely generate less power. The same happens from having daylight for only a few hours. But, in winter, whatever electricity the solar generates is enough to sustain you throughout the season. Also, if the sky is overcast, your solar panels are not completely useless.

In winter, if it snows, the solar panels can harmlessly bear their weight without creating issues. Moreover, since most panels are tilted at a certain angle, the snow can glide off smoothly. Hence, it is time to avoid this solar myth and transition to solar energy soon.

Myth#2: Solar is too expensive.

The national average cost to install solar panels for solar energy systems of any size in the U.S. is $20,650 after the 30% federal tax credit.

The average yearly electricity consumption of American households is 10715 kWh, which amounts to a monthly use of $892 kWh. When multiplied by the national average rate of $0.14 kWh, the monthly electricity bill sums up to $125 (if you cover 100% of the bill with solar and net metering) This means solar panels can save you approximately $1500 a year on electricity bills ($125 x 12 months).

*Data were taken from

So, to explain this second solar energy myth, solar panel installation, service, and maintenance in the long term covers very minimal expenditure. If the installation covers 100% of your electricity bills, and your finance payment is lower than that, you are bound to see savings soon. Residents are eligible to avail of the federal and state incentives and financing options available on a solar purchase. Read here to know how this solar myth is untrue.

Myth#3: Solar panel maintenance is a tough job.

Yes, solar panels are a great investment, but they need minimal maintenance.

  • A periodic cleaning routine should suffice, like keeping away any obstructions from the panels like cutting off nearby tree branches.
  • Check for buildup on the panels like heavy debris after storms.
  • Use lukewarm water and a microfiber towel to get them cleaned.
  • Never use high-pressure cleaning machines to clean solar panels or the attachments get destroyed.
  • Avoid using laundry detergents and strong chemicals to clean.

Beyond that, it is advisable to schedule an annual inspection instead of blindly believing this solar panel myth. Consult the experts for a complete professional cleaning of the solar panels.

Here is a quick tip — Never clean solar panels on a sunny day as it leaves behind stubborn smudges as the water evaporates faster.

Myth#4: Solar system lets you go off-grid

This solar energy myth is not completely true. Most of the solar panels are grid-tied. They are connected to the grid to draw additional power if and when there is not enough electricity generated. This applies during night-time, cloudy days, or when there is no energy storage available, like during blackouts. At the same time, you can push back the excess electricity drawn from the grid, if not utilized, through net metering and get credits for it on the future electricity bill.

Grid-dependent solar panels are connected through bi-directional electricity meters.

  • Firstly, it measures the excess solar energy produced by your system which is sent to the grid.
  • Next, it calculates the amount of energy that your house pulls from the grid when the system fails to generate enough power.

Good installation companies let you go off the grid, and live energy-independent without falling prey to any solar myths. However, staying on the grid is beneficial as it functions as a great emergency backup. You also contribute to the community by reducing reliance on the grid and balancing the electricity demand. Overall, you help in cutting down carbon emissions.

Myth#5: Solar panels damage the roof.

The thought of adding solar panels on the roof can be nerve-wracking. But, as long as the installation is properly done, solar panels do not damage house roofs and there is nothing to worry about this solar panel myth. Instead, this equipment will protect the roofs.

Per SEIA reports, the US Solar Industry installed 6.1GWdc (gigawatts-direct current) in the first quarter of 2023. PV solar accounted for 54% of additions in new electricity generating capacity for Q1 2023.

Solar panels protect the roof against debris, snow, wind, and other external factors. But you must ensure the roofs are in good condition to bear the weight of the panels. The age of the roof, therefore, is an important factor to consider. You should also keep in mind the type of solar panels only after calculating their estimated weight.

Myth#6 Solar Panels lower the house’s value

This solar energy myth is far from true. Solar panels increase the house or property value by $20 for every $1 reduction in the yearly energy bills. This means, your property value increases by $8000. In New York, buyers are willing to pay 5.4% more for a home installed with solar, which adds an extra $23,989 to the sale cost. According to SEIA, 36 states in America are exempted from property and sales taxes for solar energy. For example, New York residents are eligible for a 100% tax exemption in this regard. Therefore, residents can take full benefit of this by adding solar panels to their homes without paying any taxes at all. P.S. Consult a tax professional for information about the accurate solar energy tax exemptions available in your state.

Myth#7 You cannot use solar during the night.

Yes, solar panels don’t work at night, but solar batteries do. When you pair the battery storage with solar panels, it stores the excess energy generated by your home solar system. You can utilize this power at night when there is no sunlight to function the panels. Solar batteries help households go off the grid and become energy-independent, or rely on the grid infrequently. The biggest advantage of using them is that you can electrify your home during blackouts or power outages.


At Solarblocks, we offer advanced solar panel installation services for customers per requirements. We believe that several solar myths are largely impacting the solar industry and are defeating its potential. Our energy experts with 25 years of experience in this industry can also help install battery storage systems for your residential solar system to independently generate electricity and power homes 24*7.

Consult us today to know more.

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